Happy new year readers and welcome to the year 2015. By God' s grace upon us we made it into 2015. I was going to publish this post yesterday which was January 1 but i find January 1st overcrowded with loads of new year wishes, review, etc so I decided to post this today instead.
2014 is gone and it was amazing year for K's Cuisine and i hope it was amazing for you too. 2014 was the year K's Cuisine was born. In the year 2014, the blog received views from over 150 countries with top views from the United States, United Kingdom and Nigeria. The most viewed posts were my famous Agege bread recipe, K signature stew, Amala lump free and fluffy, lumpy egusi and Ayamase in that order.
I started this blog with no experience of blogging but with my passion for cooking and sharing my knowledge, i have been blessed to have grown not only a blog but a business. It can only be God and the support of you all..Yes you reading this post, you who take time to drop comments on the blog each time I post, you who likes and comment on my post when I share it on social media, you with your prayers, you with your support, you with your love, you just being a reader and fan of K's Cuisine! You have contributed in building K's Cuisine and for that I say a massive thank you.
In this year 2015, K's Cuisine promise is to serve you better and here are someof the things to expect from K's Cuisine this year:
There is a saying leave the best for the last but i can't do that on this occassion as i have been bursting to share this great news with you. Remember my Buka stew post last month when i mentioned i was eager to share a particular good news with you? Here is the big reveal. A K's Cuisine restaurant located in London offering you opportunity to eat my meals. From authentic traditional Nigerian food to food fusion to Fine dining to la buka dining, K's cuisine restaurant will be keeping it real and doing the most important thing which is serving good food and promoting modern Nigerian Cooking.
This is a true example of what you can achieve when God is directing your steps, when you give selflessly without expecting in return but God saying you will be rewarded for your effort. If One year ago someone had told me i will be a restauranteur i would have said no way and up until few months ago i was still saying no to fans and readers who kept suggesting it to me but today we are here and K's Cuisine restaurant is here. I will stop here on the restaurant and make a special post on this in the coming days with detailed information including details of launch party. So watch this space
Just four months into blogging, i received a call from Hariat who I fondly call Mrs O. She said to me Kemi, i want you to cook and bake a cake for my dad's 80th birthday. I replied her saying I can cook for you but no I won't bake you a cake as I do not know how to decorate a cake. I can recommend good cakers to you. She goes 'i know many bakers myself but I want you to bake and decorate the cake. I tried your sponge cake recipe and I loved it so please bake me a coconut cake and just apply buttercream inbetween and all over it. I was tninking in my head it's like someone sent this lady to me, what kind of request is this one now..hehee.
Eventually, i agreed to bake her a cake and my interest in cake decorating blossomed from there. Hariat was indeed God sent to show me another hidden talent I had and was totally unaware of. God used this blog to bring her into my life and fulfil that part of plan he has about me and K's Cuisine. I have since been practicing my hand on cake decorating and I am self taught. This year, I look forward to more practice and perfecting my skills. For now I am only making cake for friends and families and will carry you along in my progress. I will also be doing a bit of tutorial here for the ones I have perfected. Take a look below at some of the cakes I have made in the last 9 months of starting this journey.
To accommodate the added ventures of K's Cuisine, there has been few changes to the blog as you must have noticed. One of the changes you will immediately notice is the colour which has been changed to suit K's Cuisine colour and logo. To those who follow me on facebook fan page and those who are members of my facebook food group the logo was revealed to you many months ago. The blog changes will be fully completed in the coming few weeks.
I cannot recount the number of times I have heard and read requests for me to publish a cookbook. When it comes to support, K's Cuisine fans takes the award for most supportive fans...lol.
This year I will start work on making this a reality. Please note the cookbook will not be published in 2015. I will only start to collate my recipes and pictures to be used in the cookbook.
In my one year of blogging I have just 79 posts on the blog (i'm a lazy blogger i know..lol) but I take joy in the fact that I am doing it right. To get the number of page views I got in a year over just 79 posts alone tells me I am doing something right. In this year 2015, my aim is to posts more as I have loads and loads of recipes to share. Things can only get better so get ready for it 🙂
Finally I say a big thank you. I appreciate the support, the prayers, the comments, the feedbacks. Please keep leaving comments as I like reading from you, keep reposting and sharing my posts on your Facebook page, instagram, twitter and the rest, keep viewing my blog and keep loving K's Cuisine.
Sit tight and let's have fun on this ride because we are so turning it up high this year!
Your Foodie friend,
K's Cuisine.
Wow! I am seeing ur clear pic for d 1st time. Dis is our wonder woman cook.smile. Hapi new mouth dearie. I pray dis yr will be more successful than last yr. Keep up d gud work cos I knw d sky is d limit. Fly high Ma.
Lol..Thank you and amen to your prayers.Have a wonderful year.
Congrats pretty lady, this year is gonna be a great one for all of us In Jesus Name, Amen. Keep shining like a STAR that you are!! Love your recipes, you make cooking soooo easy!!! Happy New Year To Us all again!
Thank you so much Ify and a big amen to your prayers. Have a great year xx
Congratulations and Happy new year!
Thank you Raheenah and happy new year. Have a beautiful food filled 2015 🙂
Congrats and thanks for sharing all the terrific recipes with us. Continue to grow....
Thank you so much Arike Ade and for also being one of my regular supporters. Have a great year.
Congrats kemi so proud of you, thanks to ur Facebook page cos I can't believe I can bake not alone decorating. I ve learnt so much! More grease to ur elbow on this new year
Thanks so much Bisi. I am glad you have learnt so much.Feedbacks like this always put a smile on my face. Have a beautiful year
Thumb up for you Kemi,you will continue to grow from strength to strength.Amen.
Amen. Thank you so much Hawa. Have a great 2015.
Congratulations on your past and new endeavor s!!! I am so happy for you. I am definitely a huge fan of your work and I pray God continue to guide you in everything that you do. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with people like me. So a million thanks!
Thank you so much O.Kilo. With fans like you this is just the beginning for K's Cuisine. I truly appreciate your support and warm tiding. Stay blessed and have a great 2015.
What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. So proud of you my friend. Keep on with the good work and definitely it's your year of harvest.
Hope you would deliver food strait from the restaurant to the US. Lol
Good job Kemi
Thank you so much Bolatito. With fans and friends like you things can only get better. I wish I can deliver food to the US and to everyone of my readers but for now it's within the UK..lol. Have a beautiful 2015.
Happy new year to you too dear. You have just inspired me into cake decorating. You are really God sent. I will appreciate your sharing also in cake decoration. I plan to decorate all cakes for all occasions in my home this year. I have been trying my hand on all sort of cake recipes and they turn out lovely.
I am here to support you all the way. Keep it up dear. This is my first time posting on your blog, you will surely be seeing more of me.
May your best in 2014 be your worst in 2015.
Hello Chiagozie and thank you. I am glad I have inspired you and will definitely be sharing my knowledge in cake decoration on this blog. Looking forward to more of your comments and feedback on the blog and may 2015 be the best year yet for you too. Much love xx