Many of you readers have been asking me how I make Eba into rolls and other shapes and I promised to make a post on it. I had actually forgotten till the requests started coming in again.
I'm so sorry for the delay in making this post. Eba roll! I first saw this design on a friend's bbm display picture and i was impressed as it made the Eba look funky. Kudos to the person that thought this design up!
The baker in me figured it's basically like rolling pastry and I tried it out..I must say the first time I made my Eba into this shape my husband called it 'Eba sausage' lol.. he's not far off as it's just like rolling pastry the way sausage roll is done. So here we go..
Things you need:
Eba (or any solid you want to shape)
Cling film or plastic bag (I prefer plastic wrap)
Rolling pin
1) Lay the plastic wrap or cling film on a flat surface.
2) Put the Eba on top of the plastic wrap right in the middle.
3) Fold the plastic wrap over the Eba. From the right or left it doesn't matter.
4) Roll out the Eba with a rolling pin
5) Using the plastic wrap gently roll up the Eba.
Note: Your hand has no business touching the Eba until after you've rolled the Eba and that's just to lift into the plate. Using the plastic bag to guide the roll makes it smooth and not messy.
That's it. Very easy. It takes less than 2 minutes ( I do it in less than a minute..practice makes perfect????) leaving your Eba still hot
1) Follow step 1,2, 3 and 4 above
2) Slice the Eba into strip using a wet knife or kitchen scissors. Use the plastic wrap to press edge of the cut for a smooth finish.
3) Roll up the Eba till you get to the other end. Use the plastic wrap to guide the roll.
4) Place in plate and serve with soup.
In the words of my friend Yetunde 'See good old Eba looking funky' heheee.
the eba rolls looks that sweet thing!
Hmmmmmm am hungry for this
The eba looks too fine to be eaten.
Finally.Eba ti de Lol Thank you.
Kemi, you're welcome. I apologise for not posting it sooner